PROUD TO STILL SERVE veterans FOR veterans


About Us

The Litaker Foundation supports homeless, end of deployment displaced veterans in their reintegration back into the society. The Foundation provides them with basic needs and resources such as shelter, counselling and employment opportunities.

We are the foundation founded by veterans to serve veterans. We believe the words ‘homeless’ and ‘veterans’ should never be used together. They fought for our lives; we fight to get theirs back.

We At The Litaker Foundation

  • Actively support veterans in need of homes
  • Offer long-term solutions for homeless veterans
  • Transition: Temporary - Permanent
  • Grateful, passionate, and committed to helping those who have served our country. We perform this service with an unwavering commitment to our core values and the highest professional standard.
  • Restore their pride. Reconnect with family and friends. Pursue meaningful lives.
  • Help encourage change in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs process regarding medical treatment and pensions. We feel the process is fundamentally flawed and leads to unacceptable delays and denials in award of pensions.
  • Aid veterans with low income to assist with obtaining safe affordable housing.
  • Making a Difference Together
  • We support a veterans welfare through community outreach and events, and connecting veterans with health and professional services.